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  1. FFL-2604: httpd - fix 2 issues (1) /srv/www/include/cgi-helper-ip6 not available on router if OPT_IPV6 is not set but but still tried to include it - which fails (2) Output parsing via ip -4 n currently only works for VLAN interfaces (e.g. eth0.1) correctly but fails for physical interfaces (eth0). Thus reverted to /proc/net/arp for now which still works fine
Revision 59404 by chfritsch:
FFL-2604: httpd - fix 2 issues
(1) /srv/www/include/cgi-helper-ip6 not available on router if OPT_IPV6 is
not set but but still tried to include it - which fails
(2) Output parsing via ip -4 n currently only works for VLAN interfaces
(e.g. eth0.1) correctly but fails for physical interfaces (eth0). Thus
reverted to /proc/net/arp for now which still works fine

Change TypePath in RepositoryPath in Workspace
The file was modified /branches/4.0/trunk/src/packages/httpd/opt/srv/www/admin/status.cgicheckout/src/packages/httpd/opt/srv/www/admin/status.cgi